Best Men's Hairstyles summer for 2021 | men's haircut trends |

Today is all about the best the trendiest men's hairstyles for the summer of 2021. At the beginning of the year, I had a feeling that longer sides were going to be trending in 2021, and I was 100 right on this. One quarantine changed most of these trends and made most guys accept a longer hairstyle like me so let's go over these trendy hairstyles right now. So without further any delay let's jump into the list here of the top men's hairstyles for summer 2021. Curtains are back! (via Pinterest) 1. MIDDLE PART OF THE CURTAINS The hairstyle that has taken over social media the middle part of the curtains I call this. I called this earlier this year, and I was right I knew this would be huge in 2021 because the fashion trends are very tied into the 90s which means that the hairstyles would also follow the 90s trends and in the late 80s in all the 90s. 2. THE MESSY FRINGE Number two the messy fringe, this is one of the easiest hairstyles to maintain your sides need to be som


 I know that most guys were never taught how to have a proper skincare routine. Most of us don't even know what a skincare routine is and why we need it, so today I am teaching you how to properly wash your face.



This is step one on achieving clear skin fast. You want to wash your face twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. If you wash your face too often, it could create an imbalance in the surface of the skin and make it easier for bacteria to enter your pores and your skin it's going to irritate. Your skin makes it red and that's not what we want to keep in mind that if you work out and sweat a lot, then yes it's okay to wash it again just to get that sweat out that dirt out or if your face gets dirty for some reasons yes, of course, you can and should wash it right then and there but try to stick to twice a day once in the morning and once in the evening before you head to bed.


Don't even think about using a bar of soap to wash your face. Generic soap is going to dry out your skin, it almost has the opposite effect of what we're trying to do here. So definitely stay away from it instead of use proper face wash whether it's in gel foam or some type of pasty substance those are usually fine it would just strip away the dirt without taking away all the natural oils that you actually want to keep in there also don't skimp out, alright guys apply a generous amount to make sure that there's enough product to wash your whole face and your net and, don't use the palm of your hands use your fingers lightly to massage your face or you can use one of these brushes, here I wouldn't recommend using them every single day just use them maybe two to three times a week because they can be harsh sometimes to your sensitive skin and I know that we're guys and sometimes it can be a little aggressive right especially when it comes to just getting things done but let's say skin is sensitive whether you're a guy or a girl just take it easy there's no need to go super hard and be superb.


My next tip for you guys is to just take your time washing your face. I know that sometimes we're rushing in the morning because we got to go or whatever but when you rush you usually just rub your face really hard and that's not what we're trying to do here once you're done lightly massaging your whole face and neck then it's time to wash it off, make sure that you get rid of all of that cleanser leftover cleanser equals leftover dirt and oil and that causes pimples and everyone hates pimples because they always come at the wrong time it's always on the day when you have like a date or you're going to prom or it's a job interview or maybe it's the first day of college it always sucks.


You want to make sure that you're using lukewarm water. Alright, you don't want to go too hot because that is going to dry out and damage your skin, and if you go to cold it's not going to open up your pores it's actually going close them and you won't be able to clean them lukewarm water is perfect. Once or twice a week you should also exfoliate your skin, exfoliating products are a little different from face wash you can definitely feel they're a little harsher. They have this gritty feel to them almost like sand and it sounds painful but it's not as long as you're using your fingers and not rubbing too hard. It's fine it works really well because this will get rid of dead skin cells and reveal brand-new smooth clear skin which is what we're after so after you wash your face that's when you exfoliate alright and no more than twice a week and the reason for that is because you don't want to be ripping off your skin cells every day of the week that is not good for you that's a little too harsh. Some dermatologists even say that once a week is a plenty. So what I would suggest is I know that everyone's skin is different so start out with once a week exfoliating once a week after you wash your face and then if everything is going well go for twice a week and if that's too much then go back to once and that's how it goes you just figure out what works best for your
body type, and if you have facial hair then I would recommend using a beard scrub in that area so you can clean your beard and don't forget you know there's the skin under there too so the beard scrub will actually exfoliate the skin underneath as well all right so now you're done washing your face and possibly exfoliating as well.


What comes next is just as important it's very common for us. I said guys skin is delicate whether you're a guy you're a girl it doesn't matter it's all the same so don't be aggressive. Pat dry every girl knows this because they've been doing this forever right and no one told us how to do anything like heavy a separate towel just for your face did you know that because I used the same towel for everything up until very recently right I would just rub my whole body and then just rub my face with it after and now that I'm thinking that's gross so what I would recommend is a small face towel that is yours and only you keep it in the bathroom somewhere don't let anyone else use it and don't use it on other parts of your body just your beautiful face wash the towel every week or so just to make sure that you're not rubbing dirt into your skin right after you washed your face.


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